Identifying and Engaging Adjoining Career Fields to Increase Cybersecurity Training Efficacy

Publication Date : 23/10/2022

Author(s) :

Ervin Frenzel, Ian McAndrew.

Volume/Issue :
Volume 2
Issue 1
(10 - 2022)

Abstract :

Abstract This paper provides a recommendation guide for connecting existing career fields to various cybersecurity countermeasures to correct an oversight that has long haunted the people, processes, and technology model. The belief cybersecurity only deals with securing technology prevents incorporation of needed skill sets to counter the lack of people skills associated with technology and technologists. Incorporation of people skill experts can greatly enhance the effectiveness of techniques to counter attacks against the people security countermeasure. Analysis of ACM, IEEE, and other existing cybersecurity documentation indicate a need increase training in the people and processes countermeasures to effectively train cybersecurity technicians. ACM and IEEE technology specialists recognize a lack of non-technical skills within the technical fields, technologists need to embrace non-technical specialists who can broaden the base knowledge within cybersecurity. The researched documentation further indicated a potential to cross specialists in the people and processes countermeasures into the cybersecurity career field. Cybersecurity is only effective is all three countermeasures; people, processes, and technology are addressed within an organization. Training technology has long been used as effective cybersecurity training; in truth it is only addressing technology security. To maximize cybersecurity, specialists in the people and processes countermeasures must be brought in to aid training in all of the countermeasures. Keywords: cybersecurity skills training, non-technical cybersecurity skills training, security countermeasures skills development

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